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Product Page - Exploring the Fundamentals of the ACH Network
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Exploring the Fundamentals of the ACH Network
$450.00 USD

Recording Date(s): February 4, 2025

Cost in Education Club tokens: 3 tokens

Speaker(s): UMACHA's Education Team

Length: 90 minutes

Description: Join us as we introduce the ACH Network by reviewing who uses ACH and how it is used, a brief history of how the network has progressed from 1968 to today, and who the primary participants are - including ODFIs, RDFIs, and Originators, and the roles they play. This session also includes a review of industry terms and concepts, a review of common ACH products (often referred to as Standard Entry Class Codes), and the legal framework that governs how ACH is processed.

Continuing Education Credits: 

Additional Information:

  • ​Upon completion of the purchase, the purchaser will be immediately prompted to download a PDF or zip file.  Each PDF will contain a link to view the purchased webinar(s).  Access to the recorded webinar(s) is limited to 60 days following the purchase.
  • UMACHA is required to collect Sales & Use tax, in addition to Municipal tax (city tax), on the services that are provided in the state of South Dakota, and recorded webinars in the state of Minnesota.


Tags: ACH, ODFI, RDFI, Third-Party Sender