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FedNow is Here
$350.00 USD

Recording Date(s): May 16, 2023

Cost in Education Club tokens: 2 tokens

Speaker(s): Matt Kajewski, Senior Account Executive w/ FRB Minneapolis, UMACHA's Education Team

Length: 60 minutes

Description:  The FedNowSM Service has been in pilot for over a year and is slated to go live in July 2023.  Is your institution ready?  How has your institution prepared for the adoption of the FedNowSM Service?  Have you spoken with the Federal Reserve directly, or have you communicated your interest with your core or payments providers?  Are your customer/members aware of this new payment rail and what additional services it will bring?  Join us to hear from the Federal Reserve on the pilot's progress, lessons learned, as well as information related to connecting/onboarding, pricing, reporting, exceptions handling, and more.

Continuing Education Credits: 

Additional Information:
  • ​Upon completion of the purchase, the purchaser will be immediately prompted to download a PDF or zip file.  Each PDF will contain a link to view the purchased webinar(s).  Access to the recorded webinar(s) is limited to 60 days following the purchase.
  • UMACHA is required to collect Sales & Use tax, in addition to Municipal tax (city tax), on the services that are provided in the state of South Dakota, and recorded webinars in the state of Minnesota.


Tags: Instant Payments